Sailing Tribe

The chance for mistakes is about equal to the number of crew squared. – Ted Turner. If this is really true, than maybe I’m lucky that only a few people decided to join me;)


She has never sailed in her life before she met me. I guess it was a little to late for her to try to change my plans about sailing around the world, so she decided to try it. Only two years after we met, she has already sailed more than 15.000 miles and crossed the Atlantic twice. She’s in charge of marketing, PR, buying (and preparing) food, so we always have supplies on board more than we could ever need. When she’s not on HIR, works as our shore crew manager.


A mechanic, taxi driver and a yoga teacher, all in one. The fact that he has sailed only a little around the Adriatic didn’t stop him from joining for the most difficult legs across the southern Indian and Pacific oceans. A handy guy to have on board, since he knows how to repair a few things.


Sails with me whenever he can. Always looking for new ways to relax with a beer in his hammock. Also acts as shore crew by sending us daily news from Croatia and googling for the information we need on the ocean.


An engineer who loves to catch tuna. The only crew member on board Hir 3 who actually succeeded in catching fish. Loves to sleep in the afternoon and can eat like a horse. Unfortunately, he had head home from Cape Verde islands because of health problems.


Loves nature and worries about the ecology. Loves to write a journal, and drinks more tea than English aristocrats.


A successful computer engineer and entrepreneur, but in his heart is actually a chef on a sailing yacht. Nothing can stop him in preparing delicious meals for the crew, but he needs a huge stock of parmesan cheese, olive oil and garlic.


Wanted to sail across the Pacific, but already on the first day of sailing from the Canary Islands to Cape Verde realized that it’s not for him. Likes to constantly calculate our ETA based on the current speed.


Our Australian shoe crew who decided to try some Ocean sailing from Melbourne to Sydney. I’m not sure he enjoyed it, but he survived.

Shore Crew